these codes were not made by me. credit to TNTkryzt
(these codes will not work online)
i have codes that do work online, but will not release to public.
Unlock Cheats (All but Fiery Death)
42000000 90000000
04D39C8C 000003E8
04D39178 000001FF
08D3A220 00000001
20020004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Have all Concept Art
42000000 90000000
20050004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Access all Missions
42000000 90000000
04D39178 000001FF
E0000000 80008000
Infinite Health
42000000 90000000
04D39168 43340000
E0000000 80008000
Infinite Ammo
42000000 90000000
08D3991C 000003E7
20100004 00000000
08D399A8 000003E7
20100004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Moon Jump
077DC000 0000003C
EC010028 2C0300A2
40820030 3D60807A
816B3A00 2C0B0800
40820020 3D608074
816B777C 2C0B0001
41820010 3D6040C0
91780000 4A9077FC
4A907B78 00000000
040E3BAC 496F8454
Increase Speed Option (200)
077DC03C 00000030
80050000 3D608074
816B777C 2C0B0000
4082001C 2C040150
40820014 2C070000
4082000C 396000C8
91630010 4A908614
040E4678 496F79C4